Creating a Module

The main API used in redux-modules is createModule. It expects a single parameter: an object with a name key, an initialState, and an array of transformations.

import { createModule, middleware } 'redux-modules';
import { List } from 'immutable';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

export default createModule({
  name: 'todos',
  initialState: List(),
  transformations: {
    create: {
      middleware: [
        middlware.propCheck(shape({ description: PropTypes.string }))
      reducer: (state, { payload }) =>
    delete: {
      middleware: [
      reducer: (state, { payload }) =>

The name specified is used to determine which slice of the state tree the generated reducer operates on, and to prefix the actions defined in the transformations array.

The initialState is the initial state of the reducer for this piece of the state tree.

The key/value pairs in the transformations object represent each state transformation.

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